sultan abdul hamid ii


A biography of the last great sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who faced foreign threats and internal challenges in the 19th century. Learn how he preserved the Islamic core of the empire, reformed the institutions, and faced the challenges of modernization and nationalism.

2019, The Portrait of a Political Genius: Sultan Abdulhamid II. Sultan was ruling a land still known as the most proper part of the globe to be exploited in an era when imperialism was harshly colonizing the "under-developed" world.

Abdülhamid II His Imperial Majesty, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam (September 21, 1842 - February 10, 1918) was the thirty-fourth sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He oversaw a period of decline in the power and extent of the Empire, ruling from August 31, 1876 until he was deposed on April 27, 1909.

Sultan Abdülhamid or Abdul Hamid II was the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who ruled from 1876 until his deposition in 1909. He was born on September 21, 1842, in Istanbul, Turkey, and was the son of Sultan Abdulmecid I and Tirimozhgan Sultan.

Sultan Syarif Abdul Hamid Al-Qadrie atau yang biasa disebut dengan nama Sultan Hamid II dan Syarif Hamid II dari Pontianak, adalah sultan ke-7 Kesultanan Qadriyah Pontianak (1945-1978). Dia dilahirkan di Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat pada 12 Juli 1913, bertepatan dengan 7 Sya'ban 1331 H.

Wikipedia. Iklan. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Sultan Hamid II, dialah perancang lambang negara Indonesia. Meski begitu, pada akhir kisah hidupnya, ia dituduh makar karena bersekongkol dengan Westerling, Komandan Pasukan Angkatan Perang Ratu Adil (APRA). Bagaimana Profilnya?

Oleh Martin Sitompul | 27 Jun 2020. Sultan Hamid II. (KITLV). Nama Sultan Hamid II banyak diperbincangan belakangan ini. Berbagai kalangan memperdebatkan, apakah Sultan Hamid pahlawan atau pengkhianat? Bernama lengkap Sjarif Hamid Alqadrie, Sultan Hamid II lahir di Pontianak pada 12 Juli 1913.

Abdulhamid II, Ottoman sultan from 1876 to 1909, under whose autocratic rule the reform movement of Tanzimat (Reorganization) reached its climax and who adopted a policy of pan-Islamism in opposition to Western intervention in Ottoman affairs. He was deposed after the Young Turk Revolution.

Abdul Hamid II adalah salah satu nama sultan besar yang pernah dimiliki Kesultanan Utsmani. Jika di masa awal kejayaan Utsmani ada nama-nama seperti Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih dan Sultan Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, maka di akhir kemunduran Kesultanan Utsmani, Abdul Hamid II menjadi sultan besar terakhir. Sebab, setelahnya tak ada lagi sultan yang disegani.

Abdulhamid or Abdul Hamid II (Ottoman Turkish: عبد الحميد ثانی, romanized: Abd ul-Hamid-i s̱ānī; Turkish: II. Abdülhamid ; 21 September 1842 - 10 February 1918) was the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire , from 1876 to 1909, and the last sultan to exert effective control over the fracturing state. [3]

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